Contact us

Drop us a line with your questions

Transparency and trust are at the heart of our work. If you have a question, please get in touch by phone or email – we’re a nice bunch and we’ll try to help quickly and efficiently. Or, if you feel the muse upon you, we love a hand-written letter.

01223 365589

SOS Children’s Villages UK
Ravenscroft House
59-61 Regent Street

You can also visit our FAQs page to answer your questions about sponsoring a child, fundraising for SOS Children’s Villages UK and the measures in place to protect the children we serve.

SOS Children’s Villages UK is the United Kingdom member of the SOS Children’s Villages federation, an independent international non-governmental development organisation.

We are a registered charity (number 1069204), and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (number 03346676).

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